Anonymous girl asked
14 year ago

who fought at the western front in ww1

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  1. Buket says:

    The Western Front of World War I saw a clash of empires and nations. Here’s a breakdown of the main combatants:

    • Buket says:

      Allied Powers:

      France: The French Army bore the brunt of the initial German offensive and played a crucial role throughout the war.

      British Empire: This included troops from Britain itself, as well as dominions like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, and South Africa.

      Russia: The Russian Empire fought on the Eastern Front as well, but also sent troops to the Western Front later in the war.

      United States: The US entered the war in 1917 and played a significant role in the final offensives on the Western Front.

      Portugal: Portugal contributed a smaller contingent of troops to the Allied cause.

      Belgium: Though overrun early in the war, Belgium continued the fight with a small force in exile.

    • Buket says:

      Central Powers:

      German Empire: The German Army was the primary aggressor on the Western Front, launching offensives and defending occupied territories.

      Austria-Hungary: The Austro-Hungarian Empire also contributed troops to the Western Front, particularly early in the war.

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