Anonymous girl asked
14 year ago

when was ex on the beach series 8 filmed

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  1. eman says:

    “Ex on the Beach” series 8 was filmed in late 2017 and aired in early 2018.

  2. Etidal says:

    “Ex on the Beach” series 8 was filmed in late 2018. Typically, there’s a gap between filming and the airing of reality TV shows, so it’s likely that the series aired sometime in 2019.

  3. Cherifa says:

    Ex on the Beach series 8 was filmed in August 2017. The series itself aired in 2018, but filming took place a few months beforehand.

  4. Margi says:

    Ex on the Beach series 8 was filmed in August 2017. Even though the series aired in 2018, filming typically happens a few months before the premiere.

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