Anonymous girl asked
14 year ago

the key function of clinical assessment is to

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  1. Emma says:

    The key function of clinical assessment is to identify a patient’s health status and needs. This is achieved through a systematic process of gathering information about the patient’s:

    Symptoms: What the patient is experiencing (e.g., pain, fatigue, mood changes)

    Medical history: Past health conditions, surgeries, medications

    Mental health history: Past diagnoses, current mental health concerns

    Family history: Risk factors for certain conditions

    Lifestyle habits: Diet, exercise, sleep patterns

    Social environment: Relationships, work, stress levels

    • Emma says:

      By collecting this comprehensive data, a clinician can:

      Diagnose any underlying medical or mental health conditions

      Develop an appropriate treatment plan based on the patient’s individual needs

      Monitor the patient’s progress over time and adjust the treatment plan as needed

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