Anonymous girl asked
14 year ago

been in afrikaans means what part of the body

Anonymous girlis awaiting your help.     Add your answer.

  1. Ayna says:

    In Afrikaans, “been” translates to “leg” in English. It refers to the part of the body that extends from the hip to the foot, used for walking, running, and standing.

  2. CONCEPCION says:

    In Afrikaans, “been” translates to “leg” in English. Therefore, if someone says “been” in Afrikaans, they are referring to a part of the body, specifically the lower limb that extends from the hip to the foot.

  3. Loveli says:

    In Afrikaans, “been” translates to “leg” in English. It refers to the part of the body from the hip to the foot, including the thigh, calf, and foot itself. So, when someone says “been” in Afrikaans, they are referring to their leg.

  4. ann-sophie says:

    In Afrikaans, “been” translates to “leg” in English. Therefore, when someone refers to “been” in Afrikaans, they are talking about a part of the body, specifically the lower limb that extends from the hip to the foot.

  5. Hewett says:

    In Afrikaans, “been” translates to “leg” in English. Therefore, when someone says “been” in Afrikaans, they are referring to the part of the body that supports the body and is used for walking and standing.

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