Anonymous girl asked
14 year ago

a new look at an 18th century english writer

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  1. Julia says:

    Considering your interest in 18th-century English writers, have you ever explored the works of Aphra Behn? She’s a fascinating figure known for her plays, novels, and poetry. She’s often considered one of the first English women to earn her living through writing, paving the way for future generations of female writers.

    Behn’s work spanned various genres, including comedy, tragedy, and satire. Her most famous play, “The Rover,” is still performed today and is celebrated for its wit and complex characters. Additionally, her novel “Oroonoko” is regarded as one of the earliest English novels and addresses themes of race, slavery, and colonialism.

    Behn lived an unconventional life for a woman of her time, and her writings often challenged societal norms and explored themes of gender and power. Taking a new look at Aphra Behn and her contributions to English literature can provide valuable insights into the literary landscape of the 18th century.

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