Anonymous girl asked
14 year ago

in the key of d minor the mediant is which pitch

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  1. Jody says:

    In the key of D minor, the mediant refers to the third scale degree. Therefore, the mediant pitch is F natural. In the D minor scale, the notes are:

    D (tonic) – E (supertonic) – F (mediant) – G (subdominant) – A (dominant) – B♭ (submediant) – C (leading tone)

    So, the mediant pitch in the key of D minor is F natural.

  2. In the key of D minor, the mediant refers to the third scale degree. Therefore, in D minor, the mediant pitch is F natural.

    To clarify:

    • The D minor scale consists of the notes D, E, F, G, A, B♭, and C.
    • The mediant scale degree is the third note of the scale, which in D minor is F natural.

    Thus, in the context of D minor:

    • The tonic (first scale degree) is D.
    • The mediant (third scale degree) is F.
  3. MELVINA says:

    In the key of D minor, the mediant refers to the third scale degree. Therefore, in D minor, the mediant pitch is F natural. This is because the D minor scale consists of the following notes: D, E, F, G, A, B♭, and C. The mediant, being the third note of the scale, is F.

  4. Elva says:

    In the key of D minor, the mediant refers to the third scale degree. Therefore, the mediant pitch is F natural.

    In the D minor scale, the notes are:

    – D (tonic)

    – E (supertonic)

    – F (mediant)

    – G (subdominant)

    – A (dominant)

    – B♭ (submediant)

    – C (leading tone)

    So, the mediant pitch in the key of D minor is F natural.

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