Anonymous girl asked
14 year ago

who has laid in repose at the capital

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  1. Amyra says:

    Several notable figures have laid in repose at the United States Capitol Rotunda, including:

    1. Abraham Lincoln: After his assassination in 1865, Abraham Lincoln’s body laid in state in the Capitol Rotunda.

    2. John F. Kennedy: President Kennedy’s body also laid in repose in the Capitol Rotunda after his assassination in 1963.

    3. Rosa Parks: Civil rights activist Rosa Parks became the first woman and second African American to lie in honor in the Capitol Rotunda in 2005.

    4. Billy Graham: Evangelist Billy Graham laid in honor in the Capitol Rotunda in 2018.

    5. John Lewis: Civil rights leader and congressman John Lewis laid in state in the Capitol Rotunda in 2020.

    These are just a few examples of individuals who have been honored with this distinction.

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