Anonymous girl asked
14 year ago

what freedoms do we have in the uk

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  1. Charlotte says:

    The United Kingdom has a long history of protecting individual liberties. Here are some key freedoms enjoyed by UK residents:

    Basic human rights:

    The Human Rights Act 1998 enshrines fundamental rights like:

    • Right to life
    • Freedom from torture and inhuman or degrading treatment
    • Right to liberty and security
    • Right to a fair trial
    • Freedom of expression
    • Freedom of religion and belief
    • Right to privacy and family life
    • Charlotte says:

      Civil liberties:

      • Freedom of speech and assembly: You have the right to express your opinions and beliefs freely, and to peacefully assemble with others.
      • Right to protest: You can participate in protests and demonstrations as long as they are peaceful.
      • Right to vote: The UK has a parliamentary democracy, and citizens have the right to vote in elections.
      • Charlotte says:

        Other freedoms:

        Freedom of movement: You can generally travel freely within the UK and abroad.

        Property rights: You have the right to own property and possessions.

        Right to education: Everyone has the right to free education up to a certain age.

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