Anonymous girl asked
14 year ago

is the lighthouse of alexandria still standing today

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  1. Autumn says:

    No, the Lighthouse of Alexandria is not standing today. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, but it was severely damaged by earthquakes over the centuries.

    Here’s a quick rundown of its fate:

    • Thriving for Centuries: Built around 280 BCE, the lighthouse stood for almost 1,500 years.
    • Successive Earthquakes: Earthquakes in 796 AD, 956 AD, 1303 AD, and 1323 AD caused significant damage.
    • Final Collapse: The lighthouse is believed to have finally collapsed in the 14th century.
    • Remains Underwater: Archaeologists rediscovered some of the lighthouse’s remains underwater near Alexandria’s Eastern Harbor in 1994.

    So, while you can’t see the majestic lighthouse itself, some parts of its legacy rest beneath the waves.

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