Anonymous girl asked
14 year ago

sixth report of second administrative reforms commission on local governance

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  1. Sophia says:

    The Sixth Report of the Second Administrative Reforms Commission (ARC) focused on Local Governance in India. Here’s a summary of some key points:

    Overall Goal:

    To achieve real democratic decentralization and empower local bodies for effective governance.

    • Sophia says:

      Key Areas Addressed:

      Common Issues: The report addresses issues relevant to both rural and urban local bodies, emphasizing citizen participation, financial management, and capacity building.

      Rural Governance: Focuses on strengthening Panchayati Raj institutions (village councils) through proper devolution of powers and finances.

      Urban Governance: Addresses issues related to municipal bodies, including strengthening their financial base and improving service delivery.

      • Sophia says:


        Strengthening Institutions: Setting up State Election Commissions (SECs) and State Finance Commissions (SFCs) for better electoral processes and financial management.

        Capacity Building: Programs to improve the skills and knowledge of local body representatives.

        Decentralization: Transferring more power and resources to local bodies for effective decision-making.

        Citizen Participation: Encouraging public participation in local governance through various mechanisms.

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