It’s a popular sport enjoyed by all ofpeople around the world. While it may appear straightforward, the game requiresproper equipment, with the badminton racket being the most critical component.The cost of a badminton racket can vary greatly, leaving many players wonderingwhy some rackets are significantly more expensive than others. Understandingthe... Read more →

Anonymous girl
9 month ago
Is it normal not to have any friends?
I can’t seem to make friends with anyone. Sometimes I try hard and attempt to hang out with some people for a while, but for some reason, I either don’t want to continue with those people, or they don’t want to continue with me. I can’t figure out if the... Read more →
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Burada sorulan sorulara geç cevap verileceğini tahmin ediyordum ama hiç cevap verilmeyeceğini tahmin etmiyordum. Ne biçim yer burası? Hayalet şehir gibi.